Independence Day

It’s our Independence Day today

Everyone is celebrating it with happiness

For me it’s just a day like any other day

Messages of patriotism exchanged on what’s app

And flags purchased at traffic signals

The moment the day is over back to the same crap

Again we go back to our lives dismal

Independence has lost its meaning

We forgotten we have stopped believing

Independence from corruption and bribery

Freedom from thoughts which let’s us believe that crime against women is bravery

Freedom from evil which breeds racism

Be it colour or talks of religion

Freedom from evil which creates divide

Fight that war which rages inside

We need to understand Independence and it’s true meaning

To make our world a better place we need to keep trying

Decoding Women

Some think we want lots of money

Or a dream man to call us honey

Many think we want to look good

Maintain our weight while eating good food

Most think shopping is what excites us

Unlimited credit is definitely a plus

Most think we belong inside the house

Following instructions and being quite as a mouse

“What women want?” is a difficult questions

Men all over the world are still trying to find an answer

Don’t ponder don’t stress

We want freedom nothing more nothing less

Freedom to dream freedom to live

Freedom to choose what we believe

Nurture us, cherish us and let us be

Don’t chain us but set us free

Why do relationships fail?

All around us we see people desperately seeking love and then getting disappointed and  jumping in and out of relationships. Even if they manage to stay married and committed to each other , happiness eludes the relationship. People hide their pain and emptiness by throwing themselves into barrage of social events and surrounding themselves with people.

But honestly why do relationships fail? Every relationship starts with a promise and hope of dreams of the perfect one. It starts with attraction and passion but someone over a period of time passion becomes suffocating and desire is all gone. Taunts, jealousy, chose or lose the humdrum is same and finally one day when we look back love is all gone. Some sustain the relationship for social & financial obligations while some have courage to let go and seek love once again.

Issue is with the kind of love we seek to start with. The love we seek is weak and fickle- this love wants to possess the other person as if he/she is some trophy. Moreover we don’t love a person – we love his status , his possessions and what he can provide/do for us.  Naturally when love is based on such worldly virtues its going to fade away as the reasons why you started loving the person start to fade away. This love is based on dependency and it thrives on making the person weaker and dependent in a relation. Needless to say media and marketeers across the globe exploit this and market products to satiate this kind of love.

One of the cardinal rules when it comes to relationship is that more you hold on to a person and more you possess , the more you damage your relationship. Every creature on earth is born with a innate desire to be free and that’s how we flourish. The moment you put constraint on a person to behave in a certain way that pleases you, you introduce strain in a relationship.

Imagine being with a partner  who lets you be and accepts you naturally for what you are without trying to change you. Imagine being free of sense of possession of your partner and accepting that they are unique individuals. Suddenly you would see your relationship glowing with love and flourishing. Its not desire or passion which hold the relationship together but sense of freedom that you experience while being together which takes relationships to greater heights. That’s when you find your inner depths and become better as an individual oozing charm and aura which binds the relationship together.

This applies to all relations in our life – be it with children, friends, siblings. Glory of love is not in possessing but in letting go. Love strengthens more as more freedom you experience. So start with the right kind of love and see the magic.




Being a mother can be very tough
There are days when I feel all gruff
Every time I feel like that I wish I know
I simply need to relax & go with the flow
Every time my kids make utter mess 
I wish I know there are many who suffer from being childless
Every time I see my dreams being fulfilled in their future
I wish I know my job is not to control but to nurture
I wish I remember that they are unique individuals
They might not wish to follow my customs and rituals 
Every time they want to spread their wings and fly
I wish I can let them go even though my heart might cry
I wish being a mother was not so tough……..
I wish there aren’t any days when I feel gruff…….

Little girl


As I look into the mirror

A little girl stares back at me

Her eyes twinkling eyes shining so bright

Wind is blowing her hair nice and free

Running free like a child she makes a pretty sight

Her lips twitched into a naughty smile

Radiant face brimming with life

Her eyes shine with unfulfilled dreams

No worries no fear no signs of strife

I am mesmerized by her innocence

I want to hold her back and ask her so many questions

But in a blink of eye she goes away

I really admire her spirit- so joyful and free as i remember her wistfully

Suddenly I realize that she is none other than “younger me



Gossip, Gushup and Girls

No better therapy than a heartfelt chat with your girlfriends. After planning for one whole year, we actual decided to catch up. Of course I wasn’t sure it would happen till it actually happened. A lovely Sunday afternoon spent on 7 hours of non-stop chit chatting and light banter. I came back all refreshed with energy of a teenager suddenly- I was feeling alive and invigorated.

Set me wondering what was so special about yesterday. What struck me was that somewhere in my day to day routine I get so wrapped around in playing different roles- role of a mother, role of a wife, role of an entrepreneur I forget all about the little girl inside me. This little girl wants to enjoy, giggle at silly nothings, eat without worrying about weight- she wants to be free for a short time. And yesterday’s meeting with my girl friends unlocked and set that little girl free.

None of us discussed our problems, our issues – instead we discussed all trivia. We reminisced about our college days and just gossiped to our hearts content. This is exactly the kind of break I needed from routine.

I have promised myself that wherever I am and however busy or stressful my life gets- I will take time out to meet my girl friends every once in a while. It might be brief meeting but I think I owe it to the little girl still trapped somewhere inside me to spend time on girls, gossip and gupshup.

Life can get hard and stressful every once in a while but it is these small moments which make you cherish life.

“Let’s swear each with our pinky
We’ll be the best of friends
Until we are old and wrinkly!”



Freedom the other side of fear!!!

“To escape fear you have to go through it, not around it.”
― Richie Norton

I was sitting at the edge of the swimming pool watching my husband  enjoying with my son and daughter. I wanted to jump in and join in all the fun they seemed to be having but water has always terrified me. So I sat by the edge of the pool with my legs dipped in water feeling morose. After their swim my son came up to me and asked me- Mom why didn’t you join us?  We had such a great time. I answered-” Darling mommy is scared to jump in. She doesn’t know swimming. And he so innocently said- Why don’t you learn swimming mommy? That way you never have to be afraid anymore.

I have always been fascinated by people who could swim like fish. Every time I went for beach vacations I looked enviously at people who just jumped in the water and swam carefree and joyously for hours together. But somehow I was never been able to overcome my fear of water and learn swimming. For years I kept making excuses to avoid learning swimming.

His statement was an eye opener. My son- a 5 year old had taught me an important lesson that day. I take my fear head on and face it- that way I will never feel afraid.

Today as I came out after a nice one hour swim with my son I am glad I decided to face my fears. I feel a renewed sense of confidence knowing that no fear is greater than my will power to overcome it.

As kids we are so fearless but somehow in the process of growing up we let our natural confidence and curiosity be curbed by fears. I was able to over come at least one of my fears. What about you? Are you ready for the challenge?